Friday, February 18, 2011

New Radiohead Album - "King of Limbs"

The biggest problem with Radiohead is that they create seemingly unmeetable expectations for themselves. Another problem with Radiohead is that I can never seem to figure out what my favorite album from them is. In Rainbows is incredible. I could listen to that album whenever I listen to music, or just listen to it all the time without stopping. Much like In Rainbows, Kid A/The Bends/Amnesiac/Hail to the Thief/Ok Computer are amazing. So, naturally, I was really excited when I heard King of Limbs was coming out this Saturday, and even more excited when it was released a day early (today!). I was sure not to listen to it immediately because I was sure it was worth the wait. I burned it to cd and listened to it when I went to get my oil changed today and I was not impressed. It's a serious departure from In Rainbows, which was all over the place when it came to the emotion and intensity of each song. 15 Step was such a powerful start to an incredible album. And it ended with Videotape, which makes me want to cry almost every time I hear it, but I don't because I'm a man. King of Limbs didn't make me want to dance, and didn't make me want to cry. I don't mean to say it's not good. I did like it, there are just so many things that go against it. Obviously, I can't compare it to any of their other albums, because every Radiohead album sounds like no other Radiohead album (which is one of the reasons they're my favorite band.) so I won't do that. But I like my albums to come with some sort of range and this entire album felt very level. It starts with some nice, slightly distorted piano stylings, and quickly transitions into weird effects and whatnot. Which would be fine, but it never seemed to leave that place. I'm going to have to listen to it a few more times before I can judge it accurately. Music is coming off a very dance-y year, with Kanye West, Girl Talk, LCD Soundsystem, Gorillaz, Surfer Blood, Big Boi, Arcade Fire, MGMT, etc. That's why I didn't have Beach House or The Walkman higher on the list, because 2010 was dominated by loud intensity and they weren't that. Maybe this year will have more variety. Let's hope. It is the last full year we have.

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