Thursday, April 9, 2009

Japanese Bug Fighting, oh yes.

The Japanese have brought some pretty incredible things, technology, fast trains. They've also brought us some pretty strange things, pantie vending machines, whatever this is

But now we have something else to put into the awesome category. Japanese Bug Fighting. I saw it on last tuesday's episode of Reaper. I then forgot about. But today, I remembered it! I thought it would be really gross and creepy. It was only one of those things plus awesome. You will probably jump when ever you feel anything on your skin, specifically that of the ankle region. Anyway, JBF is going on the list:

Teddy Roosevelt/Bruce Campbell
Divinations Video/Crack the Skye
High Fidelity
Samuel L. Jackson
Watchmen (Book)
Joy of Painting
Japanese Bug Fighting
Tokyo Police Club
Aviator Sunglasses
The Sims
Watchmen (Movie)
Season 2 of LOST
Under the Influence of Giants
Cells phones
Jet's "Are you gonna be my girl"
High School Musical
Across the Universe

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We are still trying to save Reaper, if you would like to help. It's in so much trouble right now, and we really need all the fans we can get at this point. Thanks.


ADDRESSES (this works best, remember Jericho's second season):

Please consider taking a moment to send in a letter or postcard. Even a simple "Please Renew Reaper!" makes a difference.

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